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Tips for Preventing Ants in Your Kitchen

Ants are one of the most common pests that can be found almost everywhere you live. They are generally seen marching on walls, kitchen shelves, etc. They live in group or colonies and always seek shelter and food. Ants generally search for sweets or sweet dishes and once they find it they leave pheromone trail for other ants to follow them. Ants are really troublesome pests and only a handful ants can be enough to infest your kitchen completely.

There are around ten thousand species of ants in all over the world but the most common ants you usually find in your home is Argentine ant, Pharaoh ant, and the Pavement ant. And sometimes carpenter ants also attack your home that are known for destroying the woods. There are also flying ants due to which people can't tell the difference between ants and termites. But there is a basic difference to identify ants and termites is their antennas.

You can find ants in anywhere in your home but you will find them mainly in your kitchen because of the foods that they can find there. Kitchen is actually the favorite place of the ants as they get huge varieties of foods there. Before knowing the preventions of ants infestation let's discuss about that why you experience ants infestation mainly in your kitchen, according to this you can know about preventions to get rid of ants from your home.

Here are some main reasons why you experience ants infestation especially in your kitchen:

·         You are not storing your food properly
Just like every other pests ants also search for foods. When you leave food in open then, this is a big fat invitation for the ants. Even if one ant would be able to find food in your kitchen then, it will signal the whole colony to follow. In a blink of eyes the whole colony can gather at one place where you have left the food in open place.

·         Your kitchen is not clean enough
Cleanliness is very important in terms of healthy life and to keep pests away from your home. If you don't clean your kitchen regularly then, this can be invitation for ants. They can smell foods very easily from a far distance. So, it is important to clean kitchen shelves, cabinets, etc. Clean the plates as soon as possible. Seal the packets of snacks or cookies or pack them in a tight container that are kept openly in your kitchen. This can not only help you to keep ants from coming but will also prevent other pests in your kitchen.

·         Plants close to your home can also be an invitation
Plants that are near to your home or in your garden can also be a reason for ants infestation as ants use vegetation for shelter and food. So, these vegetations close to your home can be a reason to attack your home.

·         You have not sealed your home properly
Ants are a tiny creature which means they can enter your home from anywhere. They don't require a lot of space they can enter almost from nowhere at your home. If you haven't sealed your home completely then, it is quite easy for the ants to take an entry. The windows or door that don't shut properly can be an entry gate for them also any cracks in ceiling or floor can also be an entry gate for them.

Because of the quantities of the foods found in the kitchen it is the favorite spot for the ants. Here are some tips by which you can prevent ants in your kitchen:

Hide Your Sugar
Sugar or sweet dishes are high energy source for ants and they are attracted towards it. So, you should first hide your sugar from the reach of ants. They can smell it from a far distance. So, put the sugar on a tight container where the ants cannot reach. Well, you can put few cloves in the box of the sugar to keep ants away from it. This is a top home remedy to keep ants away from sugar. Not only sugar but any food that contains sugar should be keep away from the reach of the ants.

Seal Entry Holes
Ants are very tiny that can take entry from anywhere like from windows or doors or a crack on ceiling or floor. But yet you can seal them to prevent their entry in your kitchen. For this you can follow the ants' queue to know what they are using to enter or leaving your house so that you will be able to shut that whole to stop their entry.

Remove Their Trails
When an ant find a food then, it leave a pheromone trail which works as a signal for the other ants to follow it to find the food. If you have seen ants marching in your kitchen then, immediately remove their trails to prevent the other ants to follow it. You can use any household cleansing product to clean kitchen shelves and floor which will automatically clean the trails left behind by an ant and will remove the odor from the kitchen too.

Get Rid of Their Food
Try to clean or wash your dishes as soon as possible after finishing your meal. Do not leave dirty plates in the sink for a longer time this can attract ants and other pests too. Rinse any leftover foods off plates immediately. Clean your kitchen regularly and also the toaster as ants love crumbs as well. In short you need to keep your kitchen clean for preventing ants in your kitchen.

These are the top tips for preventing ants in your kitchen. If you have severe ants infestation in your home then, you can call professionals for ant control services. They can help you to get rid of ants immediately and will also keep them from coming back.


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