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Easy Ways to Prevent Dangerous Winter Pests from Entering Your Home


Do you think that pests hibernate and leave our house during winter season? Well no! Unfortunately not all pests go away from your home during winter season. You may see less rodent and other insect activities in your house during the season but that doesn’t mean they are there. It is true that some pests enter hibernation mode, but there are some pests such as mice and squirrels like the warm environment of your house thus, they like to stay there only. Don’t let your home to be a vacation place for such pesky and nasty pests this season and read the few tips to get rid of them.

Get rid of Rodents

You know winter is the season of rats but, you must be thinking why they like to stay in your house. Well, actually rats and mice like the warmth they get in your house. Also they will easily get food and water which they generally don’t get outside easily in winter season. But, you must know that they are extremely dangerous and shouldn’t be allowed to enter your house. Rodents are the carrier of viruses and bacterial and can directly transmitted by rodents and their droppings. Here know what else the rodents and insects can cause or transmit diseases.


Rats can gnaw almost everything be it plastic, rubber or wood, they chew everything in your house. In fact, they can cause serious damage to your home’s structure and electrical wiring by just chewing them. As rodents teeth continuously growing so they need to trim their teeth which forces them to gnaw everything.

Here know what you can to do control them: -

·         It is suggested to seal all the gaps, cracks and holes in the doors, windows, or anywhere in the house which probably helping the rats to come inside your house.

·         If you don’t want the carpenter ants and termites to infest your house in winter season then place the firewood at least 20 feet away from your home.

·         Make sure you attics and basements are well-ventilated and dry.

·         Store all your foods in an air-tight container so that no roaches, flies and ants will be able to contaminate your foods.

Winter pest control is not easy, in fact it is extremely crucial. If you want the winter pests to stay out of your house then you must follow the tips we have shared above. Or, you can simply approach the best Pest Control Services in Chennai or any other city where you are residing to get rid of the dangerous winter pests. 


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