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Fighting coronavirus transmission at home

It’s been 2 years still; we haven’t been able to come out of the after-effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. India was leading to bring the situation under control but as the new strain struck the country, it has gone back to see more deaths than recovery.

To keep oneself safe from getting trapped in the pandemic, people are trying new ideas whereas, many alternative medicines are bringing new products in the market to give people some kind of hope to protect themselves from this dangerous virus.

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Meanwhile, researchers are working hard to bring out answers regarding the best vaccines, and companies- how to produce them for the population. As time is passing, scientists are getting to understand the depth of the disease that is wreaking havoc, not just in India but also abroad. The main question of the hour is how do these viruses spread to cause diseases? Let’s find out.

How does COVID-19 spread?

Viruses causing COVID-19 are the hottest topic of the hour. From December 2019, when they started circulating, they have been the cover stories of most of the news bulletins. How are they maintain their TRP? How and why are they spreading so fast?

These viruses are spread by even the slightest of contacts. The person doesn’t have to a COVID-19 patient to transmit the virus to a healthy body. They can be mere carriers. These micro-organisms can spread with the touching of surfaces, person, or things. This is simply the game of ‘tag’ that most of us have forgotten to play.

When a person already having coronavirus coughs or sneezes, the virus present in his respiratory tract is released into the air. Even though the droplets don’t travel far which is not more than 2 meters still it can affect 2-3 people in the vicinity. How you may ask?

As the droplets can fall on the surface and the viruses can stay put on the surfaces from hours to days, depending upon the type of material. According to the studies, it is shown that the virus can be transferred to a human body even three days after a person having COVID-19 touches the common surface.

The aerosol and small droplets can stay in the air for just minutes to hours. If a person is staying in a room with poor ventilation, the danger of deteriorating health is more. The droplets can get concentrated in a small space and spread quickly to other people sharing the space. Airborne transmission is the deadliest way for transmission to occurs as it directly hits your respiratory system.

There are many ways one can get infected with the viruses responsible for COVID-19. But how do you prepare for something this deadly? Have a look!

How can you prepare your home?

When everyone is hiding away in their houses, you need to check if your house lies in the safe zone or not. According to scientists all around the world, the best way to fortify your house is by regular cleaning and disinfecting. People are suggested to clean and disinfect the frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, tables, TV remotes, handles, light switches, faucets, toilets, etc to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. If there is a weak person who is susceptible to CVOD-19 more than others, then you need to sanitize and disinfect the area more than twice a day.

In case you have a COVID-19 patient, you need to take sanitization and disinfection very seriously to control the spread among the family members. You may want to disinfect the house daily and separately.

Pest Control

Apart from that, to improve the quality of the air in the house you may want to take certain measures so that others are less susceptible to infection and diseases. Some of them are as follows:

  • Improve the ventilation by opening all the doors and windows once in a while.
  • Make sure that there is proper airflow when you are sanitizing and disinfecting the area or using bleach or other strong disinfectants.
  • Call for AC sanitization and disinfection services near you to prevent the inflow or circulation of germs within the room.
  • Don’t forget to put on gloves while cleaning and sanitizing the surfaces. Try using disposable gloves to avoid going through the strenuous job of disinfecting it as well.
  • Once you are done disinfecting wash your hands thoroughly after disposing of the gloves carefully.
  • You must always start by cleaning the area before going on to disinfect the whole place. The soap water will not only remove the dirt but also lower the germ count present on the surfaces. This will make it easier for the disinfectant to kill the germs quickly.
  • Stay away from other members of the house if you are disinfecting and sanitizing the place. Or else the virus may leap over them. As soon as the dead is done, soak your dress in a soap or disinfectant solution to ensure that there are no traces of germs left.
  • In case you are taking help from sanitizing and disinfecting company make sure you find out about the products being used by them. Also, check for their certification and registration before bringing them in.


Coronavirus has left a lot of heartaches for most of us. It is like a bad dream that continues to torment us as we stand helpless. At this point, we can do only one thing to control the situation and that is act responsibly. One has to make sure that the environment in which they are staying is virus-free. For that, one must follow a certain set of guidelines such as wearing masks most of the time, maintaining a good distance from others, sanitizing and disinfecting their commercial property as well as houses, among others.

In case of any doubts and concerns, you can call a professional sanitizing and disinfecting company in Delhi, NCR. They will help you know more about the disinfection process and requirements related to the same. Stay safe and be happy!


  1. Nice post and good information on fighting coronavirus transmission at home. Thanks for sharing.
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